Chiropractic Techniques

Services & Techniques

Chiropractic techniques utilized by Dr. O’Neill include:


  • Diversified
  • Activator
  • Thompson
  • Flexion-Distraction
  • Physiotherapy
  • Logan Basic
  • Gonstead




Diversified Technique:

Diversified Technique is the classic chiropractic technique, developed by D.D. Palmer, DC. and taught in all chiropractic colleges. Diversified Technique was refined and developed by the late Otto Reinert, DC, to address biomechanical failure in each section of the spine, as it relates to specific subluxation. The focus is on restoration to normal biomechanical function, and correction of subluxation. In addition, Diversified methods have been developed to adjust extremity joints, allowing for beneficial applications in treating sports injuries and other injuries. Diversified adjusting of the spine uses specific lines of drives for all manual thrusts, allowing for specificity in correcting mechanical distortions of the spine. X-rays and case histories are used in analysis and diagnosis. No instruments are used in the adjusting procedure. Motion palpation and full spine, hands-on techniques are used to deliver a deeper thrust, which makes an osseous (popping) sound as the adjustment is given.



Activator Methods:

Activator Methods is based on the postulate that understanding body mechanics and force is the key to understanding how to move bones. A leg test is utilized to tell the doctor if the subluxation exists, chiefly in the lumbo-sacral area or cervical region of the spine. With further research into body mechanics, W.C. Lee D.C. and A.W. Fuhr D.C. were able to analyze the body and produce from the analysis consistent changes using a light non-force specific chiropractic adjustment. Lee and Fuhr understood that force was not necessary to correct subluxations in the body. Two components are necessary for fast, effective reduction of nerve pressure caused by subluxations. They are speed and line of drive. Speed and line of drive are what make chiropractic the distinct and dynamic art and science that it is. The activator instrument was designed to deliver this specific dynamic thrust. It is a small hand-held gun-type mechanism that delivers a sharp percussive thrust upon triggering. The activator instrument controls the force and speed of the adjustment exceptionally well and with the activator, the line of drive can be more specific.





Developed originally by Dr. Clay. Thompson and fully patented in 1957, the Thompson Drop Table facilitates a full spine technique by the use of an adjusting table with a pneumatically driven, segmented drop system, which quickly lowers the section of the patient’s body corresponding with the spinal region being adjusted, whether in the dorsal, lumber or pelvic area. By means of this widely used device your practitioner thrusts at high speed, using minimal force, because while the thrust initiates movement, the fast drop carries the joint through the remainder of its range of motion.



Nutritional Counseling:

The body's nutritional requirements vary directly with factors of age, activity level, fitness, environmental pollution, stress levels, and genetics. There are many ways to evaluate nutritional needs, from simple cravings for specific foods to highly sensitive laboratory tests which reveal trace deficiencies in the blood and by-products in the stool or urine. A qualified Nutritionist can help you determine whether food allergy tests are indicated, or if digestive remedies are called for.



Gonstead Technique:

The Gonstead system uniquely emphasizes specificity, as it applies to which levels are being targeted for adjustments, both in the way the various aspects of alignment and motion disturbances are approached, and in the selection of which levels to adjust. Rather than a “shotgun” approach to care where any or all levels of involvement are adjusted on the same visit, Gonstead adjustments are directed at specifically selected levels of involvement for maximum restoration and balance of function. The notion of ‘primary’ versus ‘secondary’ subluxations, and subluxation versus compensation were largely developed by Dr. Gonstead. For every subluxation there is compensation. Further, certain subluxations will likely be exerting more influence on the overall bodily health status than others. Focusing spinal adjustments on primary subluxations is an important part of the Gonstead system of care.


Multiple types of tables are used for positioning the patient for Gonstead adjustments. The Hi-Lo table, with special modifications made specifically for Dr. Gonstead many years ago, has long been an integral part of the technique equipment, and accommodates a wide variety of patients, including pregnant women. The knee-chest table was one of Gonstead’s uniquely emphasized tables, to facilitate the posterior to anterior corrections of subluxation and reposition the posterior displaced inter-vertebral disc and can be used for the entire spine. The knee-chest table is also an excellent table to use for pregnant women. The Cervical Chair is used for most cervical spine adjustments, although prone cervical adjustments on the Hi-Lo or Knee-Chest or other prone tables are also performed in the Gonstead system. The Cervical Chair technique is one of the most unique types of Gonstead adjustments. Dr. Gonstead developed this technique to emphasize ‘lifting’ the vertebra in the cervical spine, as hyper-extension misalignment is common in this region. He discovered this approach by watching himself adjust under fluoroscopic imaging in his own facility, and was of the opinion that this was the only way to adequately adjust for hyper-extension misalignment in the cervical spine.



We are servicing the areas of Hiawatha and Cedar Rapids in Iowa.



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marker  308 7th Ave
  Hiawatha, IA 52233